Feedback form contact with Us

If you’d like a free consultation, please start by completing the form:

    1 x Membership Renewal (includes additional charge of £1 for online payment)

    Additional Membership Renewals for family members living at the same address (includes additional charge of £1 for online payment)

    1 x Non Riding Membership Renewal (includes additional charge of £1 for online payment)

    1 x Junior Membership Renewal (includes additional charge of £1 for online payment)

    1 x New Membership Application (includes joining fee of £3 and additional charge of £1 for online payment)

    New Additional Membership for family members living at the same address (includes joining fee of £3 and additional charge of £1 for online payment)

    1 x New Non-Riding Membership Application (includes joining fee of £3 and additional charge of £1 for online payment)

    1 x New Junior Membership Application (includes joining fee of £3 and additional charge of £1 for online payment)

    New applications must be approved by the Committee which meets monthly.

    Main Member Information:



    Last Name

    Address 1

    Address 2

    Address 3

    Member County

    Member Postcode

    Home Telephone Number

    Mobile Number

    Email Address:

    Repeat Email Address:

    Members Date of Birth:*:

    Additional Family Member Information:

    Additional Member Name 1:



    Last Name

    Address 1

    Address 2

    Address 3

    Home Telephone Number

    Mobile Number

    Email Address:

    Repeat Email Address:

    Members Date of Birth:*:

    Additional Family Member Information:

    Additional Member Name 2:



    Last Name

    Address 1

    Address 2

    Address 3

    Home Telephone Number

    Mobile Number

    Email Address:

    Repeat Email Address:

    Members Date of Birth:*:

    No of horses owned or loaned (if a Riding Member):

    I am a first aider*

    I am happy to volunteer at future events*

    Data Protection Act Notice:
    Data on members will be held by the Meon Riding Club as a data controller for essential management purposes . The Membership Secretary is the Club’s representative under the Act. For details, please refer to the Privacy Notice which can be found on our website under the MEMBERSHIP page.

    I agree to my contact information and my horse’s passport/vaccination record being held by Meon RC and supplied to the relevant event organisers, to BRC Area 17 and to British Riding Clubs headquarters.

    I agree that when photos are taken at events organised by Meon RC and I am included, such photos may be used to publicise Meon RC and on their social media page.

    Let’s talk about your project

    Visit us in Melbourne or make contact via the form below to talk more about your project or idea.

      Feedback form contact with Us

      If you’d like a free consultation, please start by completing the form: