BRC Novice Championship Arena UK Grantham 6th/7th April 2024

BRC Novice Championship Arena UK Grantham 6th/7th April 24

Three Meoners had accepted their invitations for the championships, and we congratulate all three for their efforts and commitment to qualify. Unfortunately we also commiserate with both Sienna and Millie Mae who sadly had to both withdraw in the last week before the Championship due to lameness.

So that left Grace, our 2nd ever junior to attend a championship as an individual, and what a weekend to pick weather wise!

Grace and Bagel were competing in Prelim 12 Dressage and Junior 80, both classes on the Sunday. Grace’s results were 13th in the dressage and 16th (out of 65 competitors) in 80 show jumping.

Here is what Lara, Grace’s mum had to say.
” I am bursting with pride for so many reasons!
Grace had the most treacherous weather for her dressage! Even after a interesting centre line Grace pushed through to the end and rode a good test for 65%
1st round show jumping and a super clear.
2nd round Grace put the peddle to the metal for a very fast 2nd round to fall at the last! However she made it over the finish line for finish on 4 faults. (She was fine after fall, just cross with herself)
It’s been a fabulous experience representing Meon, and we have learnt a lot. Could have done with a little less windy and wet weather!”

Grace really did pull out the stops, at the time of her jump off round she shaved 4 sec off the lead time, and if it wasn’t for the 4 faults she would have been 2nd on time. Gotta congratulate a girl going for it 💪Glad you are ok Grace.

Picture: Grace and Bagel.

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